Saturday, August 24, 2019

Marketing Management of Verizon Wireless Case Study

Marketing Management of Verizon Wireless - Case Study Example Consumer analysis is an important part of the market strategy. Every marketing campaign is aimed at consumers. In order to develop an effective marketing strategy, it is important to understand the buyers' needs and wants to be attached to a product. In order to understand how consumers actually make their buying decisions, marketers must identify the motivators and the decision-makers. The aim of the report is to undertake a thorough analysis of the marketing strategy of the Verizon Wireless. In order to undertake the analysis, secondary data is used. Adding recommendations for the improvement of the marketing practices of the Company has increased the effectiveness and usefulness of the report. The main strategy of the Verizon Wireless is the constant introduction of new ranges of products and services to the customers. Hence the company uses the strategy of product differentiation. The company keeps on innovating new packages fulfilling the demands of all ages from youngsters to a dults. The market share of the Verizon Mobiles has been increased at a tremendous level in 2005 outperforming all its competitors in 2005. The Company has remained innovative from the beginning, which is key to its success. The Company furthers aims to get the profits from ethics and to build the brand across the US. The purpose of branding is to achieve a market position that will represent a sustainable competitive advantage. Companies are increasingly extending the line of variants available under a given brand, resulting in a family of related offerings. The reason for this is essentially economic and Verizon Wireless has gained many such advantages by successful introducing a range of products.   Product development is ongoing and the company keeps on introducing new packages according to the needs of customers. The latest introduced in September. The Company has a strong brand name, which can be used as an economic benefit in the future but the two important factors should be prope rly addressed: 1. The benefits from the brand 2. The expectations of the target markets. Advertising, as a form of social communication, is particularly reflective and indicative of culture and its norms. To the extent that advertising does reflect cultural differences, and there exist clear differences between distinct cultural patterns, advertising appeals, which are specific approaches advertisers use to communicate how their products will satisfy customer needs (Arens & Bovee, 1994), should manifest such differences across these countries.

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